
Age : 1 Year
Breed : Sealyham Terrier
Colour : White
Colour Pattern : Colour Point
Size : Medium
Weight : 24 Pounds
Height : 10 inches
Length : 22 inches


Merlin is a cute little white dog with a big dog personality and sense of humour.  He has never met a stranger and thinks everybody is there to see him.  Unlike other terriers, Sealyhams were bred to be a pack terrier - no quarrelsome behaviour was/is tolerated.  Merlin trains with a number of working military & police breeds.  He is jokingly referred to as the "cute little white bar snack".  Merlin walks through and works with these big breeds as if he was their equal. Merlin is crate trained and travels so well, you could almost forget he is in the vehicle.  Merlin will "potty" on leash. Merlin finds everything doable within his physical limitations of only being 10.5" tall.  I ask - he delivers.  Merlin is food motivated and a delight to work with.  His biggest fault is that he is easy to bore.   Merlin problem solves and is mechanical when it comes to opening things or moving things.  Merlin enjoys working and new things to do.  Typical of majority of terriers he can easily be distracted by squirrels or other rodents.  Merlin is good with his cats, but considers other cats on the property as intruders. Merlin has started agility work, is ready for has 2 legs to his Rally title with a score of 98.5  & CKC Pre-novice and is part of the local St. John Pet Therapy program. Merlin has no hesitation of "walking" off with other people.  If they hold his leash, he goes with them with not so much as a glance over his shoulder. Merlin is a willing participant in "dress-up".  He is now world famous for the over 300 Christmas cards that he has sent to active & veteran Canadian Armed Forces members complete with his X-mas themed photos. I believe that Merlin would be the perfect talent for an outgoing, small, very cute dog role. Of all the terriers I have trained over the past 45 years, Merlin is by far the most willing and fun.
Obedience Skills
Down Down/Stay Leave it Off Leash Hand Signals Off Leash Recalls Off Leash Voice Commands Sit Sit/Stay Stand
Special Talents
Advanced Trick Dog titleCGNCKC St. John's Pet Therapy Novice TitleAgility trained but not yet titled2 legs to Novice Rally & ready forPre-novice CKCCKC Versatility Novice titleCKC Novice Sprinter Title


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