
Age : 1 Year
Breed : Dalmatian
Colour : White
Colour Pattern : Spotted
Size : Medium
Weight : 45 Pounds
Height : 21 inches
Length : 31 inches


Freya is not your typical dalmatian. Freya is a 1 yr old  lemon spotted girl instead of your typical liver or black and white. Her coloring is far rarer in the dalmatian community. Freya is a sweet girl with all the puppy energy. She is the most eager out of my 4 to work. She loves the cookies and is focused when asked. She will jump up on pretty well anything that she is asked to. Chairs, boxes, if she can get on it, she will. She will also pose with head bands or items in front of her. She is the most outoging out of my 4 and will get right in your face for kisses if given the opportunity. We hope you love her and her coloring as much as we do <3
Obedience Skills
Down Down/Stay Leave it Sit Sit/Stay Stand

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